Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Some Very Useful Sites on the Web

Some of the sites listed below are not "cat-related." But regardless, they have been helpful in my continous pursuit for knowledge. These are also sites recommended by my kind mentors in the cat fancy. I hope you find them relevant and employ a practical purpose for it in your cattery.

Do I Need A Mentor by Michael Canalizo

Planned Breeding by Lloyd Brackett

Cat Breeding and Basic Genetics by the European Cat Fancy

Cat Color FAQs by the Cat Fanciers Mailing List

Inbreeding, Linebreeding and Crossbreeding by Netpets

The Pigment Parade by Lorraine Shelton

UC Davis Veterinary Laboratory contains lots of helpful information about forensic and genetic testing in animals.

Feline Husbandry by Dr. Neil Perdersen is also available online (in PDF file)

Feline Blood Groups by the Feline Advisory Bureau

Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy by Chick Newman, DVM

1 comment:

Daisy said...

Wowie! I am very excited to find your site. I am a Devon Rex named Daisy, and I have a big sister named Pixie who is also a Devon Rex. I am going to come back and visit you a lot, I think. Maybe you would like to visit me on my blog sometime?